Thursday, September 27, 2012

"that might be one of those legendary things i've heard so much about..."

...a DATE!!!
hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahha "to think, the day would come when i can taste the stuff of legends"


i just love before-bed-last-minute-browsing-idiotic-surprises~~

Friday, September 21, 2012

finally the end. the latest arc got worse and worse, most people were dying for it to be over as fast as possible so it's good to finally see it (ga afdol aja kalo ga liat endingnya, mo bagus/jelek pun)-

WHOA, new additional mangas??? wow, i've missed a lot. oh this is a good stock
 thank youuu mangastream~

that website i haven't checked in a while,

has brought me endless joy.
got this link from a friend a while back, and from being back here again, today, reminds me of the amusement of the internet: the level of randomness is beyond insane, it's awesome (for me at least). i mean, how in the hell did i get from the first article, to the next ones after?? once again, proving the beauty of internet randomness. 
oh, and these articles here are just a tip of the iceberg. do stop by their website to waste your life away. you seriously won't have any regrets if you're looking for a good laugh,
ngasal mampus-
Tanaman & Cewek.iseng abis.


to this  Bara Asmara Bersama Neng Dara . koleksi kosakata bahasanya itu lho brutal banget katronya, i'm loving every second of it.ahahahha *mati

gejoool HAHAHA maaf deh gw basi baru tau tu istilah.bahahahah
and then there's the equally catchy 'click me!' title teasers strewn about every article. 
for example:

i have never loved my country's vast amount of vocabulary variety more when reading from this web. thank you so much for existing. enjoy~

oh, and here's a last bonus article for the day: si cumi. that's all i'm going to say.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

book choices

When it gets to pointing out the fuchsia polka dotted elephant in the room, being reckless, standing on the front lines, and volunteer to do the dirty work to spare the others (realizing, hurting, but ends up doing so because its the only way), I end up picking up Rachel's.

When it gets to being the masked clown, being the idiot to help distract them, having hidden depths, sharp, observing, analyzing, pointing out unconsidered important points, calculating, cold and ruthless, I end up picking up Marco's.

When it gets to weighing out moral compasses, following pure intuition, having gut feelings, slightly hypocritical and unconsciously manipulative--playing the puppet master--for the greater good in the end (the ends justifying the means-mode), I end up picking up Cassie's.

Funny how it all works out.
Thanks for choosing the most interesting method for all of this to get to me.

clots & blanks

why don't you just literally blow up?
no, seriously, just blow up. stop giving me temporary teasers and just go off.
am seriously tired of encrypted anything, from the outside but especially from the inside.
come on, i dare you you fucking little piece of shit.
see if i give a damn with the end result.
too chicken to do it myself anyway, so why not show a bit of kindness for once and do me a favor here, eh?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

2 dentist trips

I came home with a re-known dread of dentist drills.
My mom came home with this,
Thanks Tante Lanny (my mom's high school friend, the dentist) for the unexpected surprise, one of the most darling person I know in my life.
Made my day

Clara Schumann

dawww really love the illustration style~