Sunday, June 26, 2011

gut kicking number 243796

little women by Jo (after turning down proposal,with marmee);
supernatural season 6,ep 6 by Sam (after vamp killed and they have this macho bro talk.i am not kidding.)

seriously, i got kicked in the guts by these two polar opposites? on the same topic, seriously?? if i knew it'd happen oh so too often, and i could banish my ebbing laziness for the past 8 months, i'd have this whole new label called literally "kicked in the gut then smashed".
but since my ebbing laziness hasn't vanished yet, and i'm still trying to train myself into discipline (and that i've turned into an inevitable blogwhore) by jotting down past posts to keep track of my 'activities' for personal record purposes.

to top it off, what kicked me is generally about my condition as a whole accumulated for said past 8 months.feh.
i'm not even enjoying the fact that it all connects.

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