Monday, January 30, 2012

Lili's Present

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This is a birthday 'card' for my friend "Lili". 
Was supposed to be for last June, but ended up finishing and giving it to him yesterday, January 29th. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA *incompetentbastard*

The boy loves his horor/slasher/gore movies--often venturing to things that we haven't even heard of and/or never will touch--and has a uniquely interesting but sometimes absurd sense of taste, and we like to joke around that he's a bit of a S&M fetishist (still not sure if this is true or not. We hope it is. Imagine how fun that would be.muahaha). 
Oh and for that extra kick, I also gave him an ugly-ass manga called Princess Resurrection (about a maid-clad chick who uses chainsaws and maces to kill zombies). Not recommended.

chick + stepping on boots = dominatrix
mecha knee   = the movies he watches are sometimes those weird-ass japanese ones where the characters are usually a fucked up hybrid of whatever the hell they can think of. usually a combo of hot chick + assortment of body parts (from animal parts, weapons, mecha, etc)
rubber duck   = he looks like a duck. plus, having a toy represent him just feels kinky and absurd.just right.
assortment of weapons = kinky masochism equipment 
gory torturing set = well, gore.

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