Saturday, December 24, 2011

3 signs i'm (literally) being kicked out.



my food was done. my 'omgNASIPANASaaaa' appetite was at it's peak. no rice.
she did mention that the new kosan owner itu pelit mampus jahat(i'm even n on the mba's side), jadi stok nasi suka habis, dimana nasi gratis, was one of the main selling points. i wish you failure.


i am currently in pursue of finding the little dick who made this possible.

oh and the bloody mba actually asked me to lapor that my friends' were over buat laporan ke ibu kos. i think she was going to ask them to pay, but i quickly brushed her of, and no pursue followed, so yeah.
my bad, that means
four reasons then.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

choi, lee, cho finally.

so Lalit came last night, Tendy this morning.
finally gave them their late late late birthday presents :D.
(*also, happy that both got what they've been needing at the time: lalat's conan (one of the series she doesn't have yet) & tendy's hippo (meant to find a book stand)
Tizi's for snacks (and a--god knows why--a continuation of the 'd**k 'jokes' i've been encountering since yesterday).
Sausage McMuffin's for breakfast.
Chelsea DVD.
Koreake at (the nearly-thought-lost) PVJ, sitting down the whole time, singing very little, and for an hour. how did we get so lame? hahaha tapi saya senang~
Azzura's, this awesome awesome resto we finally tried out.

too bad they had to go back to jakarta early because tomorrow they have to work, i was hoping to laze around at my kosan chatting aimlessly, watching dvd's, and enjoying our afternoon coffee (it's raining!--omg,'TUHAN' (br sadar).). but pretty soon i'll be joining their league, so i'd better make the best of every spare time i can get to meet them.
thanks guy for having fun with me today :]!

see you guys on the 7th!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

can't believe it's finally my turn :),

Diandra Canti Hadiawan, S.Ds

the internet never fails to entertain.

what's a person to do when their final project is done?
as a child living in a modern society, tis' only logical to browse all day until their hands and butt become numb. or just read a book for some 'me' time, but i didn't have a book on me then, so yeah.
and a jolly good thing i did:

Sunday, December 18, 2011


remember this???
[was making a video playlist to accompany myself while editing my final paper. got to my dance collection and got curious to how douche-y sean paul's video is (one of the songs used for the dance routine).]

SEVEN seasons??!?
too good to be true.

menu tambahan buat ntar pas kalian muncul :D

Friday, December 16, 2011

roda emang (literally) berputar.

yesterday she offered-no wait.insisted to take me to Bandung at 04.00 pm. i said yes, thank you.
today at 04.00 pm, i still wasn't done. she said ok, print your stuff at home, we'll go at 07.00 pm, gpp.
got home at 06.00 pm to cream soup, which i was yearning :3.
momma brought home BK, which i was yearning as well~.
diandra sayang ibu dan ndut.
we left at 09.15 pm.
09.17 pm she tossed her 3 handphones at me and was already frantically barking orders for me to call hotels.
09.17 pm till 10.00 pm did not go well.

10.30pm :
"btw, did i mention that i'm leaving to bandung NOW?
dan drtd ada yang ngotot tiba2 minta dicariin HOTEL because SHE wants to sleep well?
dan barusan BAN MOBIL gw pecah dg truk2 horor ngebut2 deket.banget.banget.di
pinggir tol.

gw pengen ngakak.

(what?? tuhan suka becanda to the max! di kilometer brapa pecahnya? ga knapa2 kan tp yg di mobil?? Bdua doang?? derek tol tuh bs diandelin ga sih??)

gtau dmn, yg jelas dpn gw ada "LEMAHABANG 500KM".
pengen ketawa ga sih?
gpp2, nykp dah telp tmenya & skrg udh giat lg nelp hotel2 keparat.
kl ampe ujung2nya kekosan gw ngakak..oh, org derek dah dtg.

11.00 pm, Rest Area 39, tambal ban.
11.05 pm - 00.00an am mobil sedot wc/sedot tinja parkir
00.55am, pursue Bandung.
02.00 am...hotel.
tuhan emang bener-bener suka becanda.

--edit-- though as always, after every spatter, we usually end up having a decent time. was happy that she could meet Bang Ed at ITB's Architect building while waiting for me to finish my kelayakan and had fun nostalgic-ing (?) (bu tita asked me for the pdf file of my booklet :D! ok.gotta do good at sidang >:).)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

my head is a boulder.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

win some, lose some.

my kosan is always full of surprises every time i come back from Jakarta. (yesterday)

pro: more privacy.
contra: no more healthy bright morning sun.
(the right picture is the condition at 8 am. i have to turn on the light now since morning.meh)

pro: no more boiling water noisily for coffee at 2am *terharu*.
contra: NONE.

like i said, you win some you loose some :j.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

glitz and glitter baby,

here we come!
*oh dear lord please help me preserve my sanity after i am done indulging said terror tomorrow *

2 december 2011
Where do i begin?
It took us a full 2 hours to even try and process the abomination we just endured.

And after 2 hours the only thing we could remember was "jakejakejakejakejakejacobjakejakejakejacobjakejake" and how, in the name of all things sacred, did the last 15 minutes turn into a gore film. and that near-final full out cheesy scene.
then the only 'good' part of it: all-out kekinian settings and kirsten stewart's dress.that's it.

It was so bad, Lalit started texting and I started spacing out every 10 lines. Thank god for at least the free popcorn we got for paying with niaga (that unfortunately lasted for 15 minutes, then it was just us and the movie.bollocks.). Maybe that's god's way of saying, ' sorry for letting this movie get made, here, munch on these, you'll at least waste 15 minutes'