Wednesday, October 31, 2012


since i couldn't celebrate halloween (again) i'll just have to make do with my proudest halloween moment ever, The  Legendary Hot Dog.

happy halloween everyone! 
may your costumes be awesome, but sorry, it just can't get any more awesome then mine here *delusional*

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

childhood antics

we all have those unforgettable (or even recently discovered hidden chapter) childhood years that we're either proud of, can't believe happened, or just plain wish we could scrape said part from our history.

isi dong kalian tendy & lalat kalo lagi senggang! kapan2 kalo ketemu versi tulis tangannya buat koleksi eike~~ total point-nya bebas mo dikit/banyak.

boy's version of paradise/hell:
1.  my parents told me that i'm one of the poster child for hibernating bears. ayah even said that when bunda gave birth to me, i was so still the doctor thought i was dead. turned out i came out sleeping. one slap to the butt and i was bawling. 
(huh.explains why i hate hate HATE being waked up.)

2. pretends to sleep on most trips, so when we get home, i get carried inside.
(don't we all).

3. recently ayah told me that when i was about 3-4 years old, every time i didn't want to clean up my toys after playing, he'd put my most favorite ones in a (clean) trash bag, dramatically throw it in the (just cleaned) trash can, and leave the least played with for me. said my face of horror was a real kick to him. after i cleaned up then he'd return it and said he found them somewhere.

4. my first indonesian word was 'globok' (goblok). 
ayah got one of the nastiest glare my mother could summon. 

5. at the end of preschool year, they made my class (only.the others did something cooler.) do a girl-boy dance. enjoyed making the crepe-flower-paper-plate hat, repulsed by the dance, became "that-kid-who-cried-and-got-carried-off-stage" from my year.yeah. 

6. when i was 4-5 years me and bunda had a routine: at vitamin time, i get to drop them in her mouth. one day, bunda was doing her make up and postponed the routine, so i waited with her vitamins on the table. got bored, started to jab the squishy fish oil ones up my nose. shrieked with glee. turned it into a game of ''how far can you push it in then pull it out". at some point it went in too deep and got stuck. tried to pull it out by trying to flick it out with a went deeper. waded over to bunda, "bunda your medicine went up my nose". she ran me to the hospital and payed for the most expensive 2 pieces of tissues of our life for $200. we never played that game again.

7. i was the smallest among my baby friends, so my aunties genius solution so that i won't get lost was to tie a balloon around my waist to easily  pinpoint my exact location between the 'ruckus' their tiny-ass home yard.

8. really loved cheongsams & poofy princess dresses as a kid. got both and wanted to wear eother one to the mall. evil aunties gave me two choices: wear them and stay home  forever or not wear them and go to the mall. went to the mall sniffling.

9. there was a period that i was exited for halloween but didn't really know what to dress up as. so for the first day of pre-halloween at my preschool my mom & aunts dressed me up as jack-in-the-box. i got pissed and decided i wanted to be a princess.

10. the next day they let me wear the damn princess costume. felt like a sissy, fucking hated it and i think i cried a little. nearly ripped off the jack-in-the-box costume my little cousin ended up wearing (that bitch).

11. my greatest childhood achievement: one halloween dressed with the most perfect costume ever, The Hot Dog.
which friends insisting that said costume is a different being altogether, ranging from  a butterfly, a banana and a peanut.

12. was the classic 2B pencil the next year. complete with the pink eraser for a hat.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

when my uncle visits,

he brings his precious xbox.
good timing though, really needed the attraction~

Friday, October 12, 2012

happy birthday tendyyy~~~

hope your next venture in your life would be more awesome and exciting then the last ya :B!
tapi tetep jadi our tendy yg masih idiot dan sesekali nyemplung kubangan tentunya.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"and this is how i broke something in my body"

(Gradually growing) Old people are so cute sometimes and I say that with love.
1. "Ndra, Bang Bugie (his cousin) kemaren uratnya kejepit gara-gara main golf! Ayah baru aja diminta tolong telp Bu Mamiek buat ngurut besok." 
"How old is he btw?"
"He's 65."

2. "Tapi masih untung ga kaya Ayah dulu pas kejepit juga uratnya, lebih lama sakitnya."
"Oh yang Ayah main tennis 2 tahun lalu ya?"
"No that was my dislocated shoulder."
"Wait, how did your urat got kejepit then?"
"Itu lho, pas dulu kita masih tinggal di Buncit. Yang Ayah lagi nyisirin Rolly sambil duduk-duduk di lantai, trus pas muterin badan pengen liat TV pinggang Ayah tiba-tiba sakit banget. I didn't tell Bunda for almost a week."
"Lah terus gimana akhirnya ke Bu Mamiek?"
"Akhirnya ketauan sama Bunda gara-gara pas bangun pagi dia liat Ayah ngerayap di lantai dari kasur gara-gara ga bisa jalan, sakit banget."

3. "Wait, terus yang 5 years ago-ish pernah ketarik pinggangnya sampe Ayah bela-belain pulang dari proyekan luar kota tuh kenapa?"
"Oh itu gara-gara Ayah ikutan main sepak bola pas 17 Agustusan."

(after telling the story of Bang Bugie to my uncle, Arlan (he's 43.),when he stopped by today)

 4. "Iya nih, I think I need her too, I just pulled a muscle yesterday playing basket ball."
"Wait, then how the hell did you manage to get here driving, ga sakit tuh?"
"Sakit banget, makanya dari tadi tegak terus jalannya."

5. "My friend has it worse tho. Padahal orangnya cuma main Tennis Gembira aja...eeeh bantalan antara tulang sum-sum nya pecah dong. Langsung dilariin ke Singapore buat di jejelin bantalan buatan."
"The hell..."

6. "Oh terus ada juga yang lebih parah. Lagi main jetski di Bali tiba-tiba kelempar, trus entah gimana caranya jetskinya terbang trus it fell flat on his back. Langsung dilariin helicopter ke SOS"
"Holy crap! When did this happen?? How old is your friend?"
"A couple of months ago and he's my age."
"Eh, ini orang yang sama ato beda sama yg tennis?"
"Damn...Well thank goodness he's rich then."

You just gotta love those cerita "opa-opa" yang sok tau~

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

"therapy" & reward

I seriously love pulling out weeds every once in a while, especially when it rains after.
Very calming and helps tone down that OCD part of mine, also to practice on focusing.

Monday, October 01, 2012


  Before & After :D!
