Sunday, August 29, 2010

si dog pergi ke japun

for some reason, i got super giddy and felt genuinely happy for Aya for going to Japan to meet Ain. i haven't felt this sincere in a long time for almost anything, so it felt really good :3...

don't forget to play and take pictures with all the dogs you meet on the way :)))))!

*i just remembered that it was today, and about 10 minutes ago when i asked specifically what time she'll be leaving, she said "in 30 MINUTES". hahahahaha

Alex Louis Armstrong (Full Metal Alchemist)

best.displayed.use.of muscles.EVER.
just how cool can you get with this kind of character description?:

"Armstrong is very proud of his strength and of his muscular physique, frequently taking off his shirt so that he can flex for the benefit of others."

"As a final element of his comedic properties, he has the tendency to "sparkle"; when first appearing in a scene or taking off his shirt, pink stars radiate from his body."

kurang keren apa coba????
aaa *maniacal laugh*

Friday, August 27, 2010

diandra anak labil

hotdog boy is already uber kool but still wants to be princess.

yes, like so.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

sausage mcmuffin

when we got home last night lalat gave me earplugs.
i heard nearly nothing from those noisy crap-assed estrogen-filled bitches.
at 5.30am i found myself walking to mcdonalds.
i'm quite surprised myself but, um, i'm now sitting at mcdonalds dago trying to work on my final project.

dunia sudah gila.

Monday, August 23, 2010


notification entry from my cousin:

Ananda Dinanti Mackulau: Once in every five years, Amsterdam has been a place for ships from around the world to celebrate the Sail Day.
Among other ships with different sizes and types, Indonesian's original "Dewaruci" anchored for the very last time after more than 50 years of sailing around the world. We both were lucky to have a chance to board it..The tall ship is decorated with traditional crafts from Indonesian provinces..and thanks to its artistic beauty and cultural richness, Dewaruci has always been the most favorite ship on this event, means that it's the most crowded ship where tourists made a non-stop queue only to get on board.. So, how can't we Indonesians not be proud of it? ;)

coolness :D

birthday cards and other presents

the reason that i haven't been giving off cards and presents to those close to me (even to my parents) is because that i just don't have that giving feeling anymore (for now). i'm sorry to say that, from the bottom of my heart i just don't care about it for reasons unknown even to myself.

see, most of the things i give out to them are mostly handmade.
even though i buy the present, at least the card is handmade and well thought in making them, personalizing them.
and for me, it's better not to give anything at all then give them half-assed things.
i'll make it up to you all when i get ma mojo back fo' shizzo. hahahah

*sorry kakek and nenek :<

Saturday, August 21, 2010

monster2 bulu

Lembang, 4 August 2010

saint bernards

artha (white german shepard)

and BOBO :3 :3

the mind

is a scary little bastard.

one wrong thought and most of the important things can go down the shit hole just like that.
especially when it's a corrupted mind fed with un-based assumptions created your little unconscious idealistic fantasies and you juuuust can't keep them to yourself much longer, and bam: little egoistical self-centered bitch feels the need to lash out at innocent bystanders and leaves the confused 'container' feeling embarrased and stupid because the 'container' is the motherload of all common sense and righteousness, and at that same moment all that is thinking 'oh shit man, now you've blew it'.

and in comes the flood of doubt, fear, and annoyance to others after.

doubt if they actually forgive you for being stupid, or is it just to maintain the good atmosphere you've all created.
fear if people are going to be disgusted, hate, or worse, nothing you because of the actions displayed and end up being friendless. when in reality you know well in your gut that they've already forgotten about that little shenanigan and are neutral, but oh no, that mind of yours decides to be a little drama queen and think that they all hate you.

and by doing that ladies and gentlemen, you've done nothing more that really pissing people off, thus, leading to them wanting to have nothing to do with you.

and then you're left with absolutely nothing but your mind, reenacting the scene that just happened, over and over again, trying to find out what you did wrong that resulted in all that, never finding out why because you just refuse to accept that such a stupid thing like that can become disastrous...only ending up getting a headache and wishing you were literally dead but can't because you don't have the heart to leave your parents to grieve and knows that even when you do end up dead, you'll still feel stupid for doing something so cliche and cowardly.

or ending up getting a headache and then pathetically wait for something, anything in any form, to just pop up (which usually does believe it or not) and make you feel better.
sometimes a bit, some times a lot.

when it doesn't come, you end up falling asleep wondering how your eyes got wet and end up waking up feeling blank and crappy and the torture of going through another soulless routine day.

when it does come, you end up going to sleep smiling...only to end up waking up feeling blank and crappy and the torture of going through another soulless routine day.

genius. pure genius.
what a way to waste your only one true gift that has been told to you countless of times by other people who only wish to help you.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

being unfocused

is that bad.
suddenly i forgot how to drink and it just slopped all over like a 2 year old in drinking training.

but being too (overly) focused is not good also.
the last time it happened i had to try and stop thinking of how to breathe for almost an hour.
(you know, when you suddenly realize that you're breathing unconsciously and you end up thinking 'whoa, it really is cool that breathing is subconsciously done...i can't imagine if i had to think about breathing every single second of my life...'. and i did. think.)


gara-gara lari malem ma litya di dago asri, ketemu panjang akbar otw ke kontrakan si panjang, liat2 kosan, dan buntut2nya apalagi kalo bukan duduk2 di lantai ngobrol2.
sampai pada satu titik kita berbagi pengalaman masing2 pas gempa brutal taun lalu:

(kurang lebihlah begini:)

panjang: ''gw lagi lemes-lemesnya terkapar dirumah sakit, jadi pas orang-orang lelarian treak2 gw cuma bisa pasrah ' yaudahlah gw mati ketimpa, etc etc'. "

akbar: "gw lagi enak-enak keramas, trus cewe gw tiba2 treak2 gitu. awalnya gw cuma mikir ' yah palingan lagi marah-marah sendiri'..trus pas sadar dah gempa. panik, jadi cuma bisa ngambil handuk, itu aja susah. pas keluar semua orang pake baju lengkap, cuma gw yg pake handuk dengan rambut bediri2 masih bebusa gitu pula....eee taunya ada temen gw satu lagi yg cm pake handuk keluarnya.."

boy: "gw lagi enak tidur tiba2 kasur gw goyang2 heboh. keluar2 dihadepin nenek yang ga pake kacamata trus muka kusut baru bangun (nenek bengong) 'hah..? gempa ya...?'. 'iya nek gempa, ayo cepetan turun (sambil menggiring nenek)'...sampe bawah ada bibi yg cuma bediri beku megang kursi 'gempa ya neng..?' '(bengong) iya bi, ayo keluar'...."

lalat: "gw lagi les belanda (di bekas gereja tua belanda) ngobrol2 ma org2 dan pas itu emang lagi direnovasi tempatnya. tiba2 kita denger tukangnya ngetok kenceng banget 'busetdah, rontok juga ni tempat'...trus tiba2 gedungnya beneran goyang2 dong. gw lsg lari keluar dong, malah org2 masi ongkang2 'huahahhahaha ngapain lo lit???' lama kemudian mereka lari2 kaya orang bego nyusulin gw keluar."

who knew different stupid things happened at the same time like cool-ass heroism heartwarming stories here that's for sure. ahahahhaha

a9ul make fable

mati ketawa jam 2 pagi.

an album on facebook by my highschool friend, agus.
one day he got bored and decided to make a batch of drawings of his friends (us) according to his point of view.
thus, 'A9ul Make Fable' was born.

this is me according to him:

bizarre combo of hellboy - dee dee from dexter's laboratory - juno

his justification of that combination:

check out the rest here.
huahahahhahah beyond goblok. a bit inside joke-esque, but still entertaining nonetheless~

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

hari pertama saur


onion rings

onion rings - kamen rider modern - "no other" - racun korea - future project - korea - "holy water"ahahahahahaha - korea - korea - korea - saur.

one of the best chain reactions i've ever been in, courtesy of si Bitch :E.

Monday, August 16, 2010

road trip

my ass.

Friday, August 13, 2010

6 a.m. shower

Ok, you know those little moments when you unconsciously end up with your head in the clouds? And you end up unconsciously thinking about anything at random, from important 'Stat!' ones to ones so low, you wish you were dead for even letting it seep into that little crack of moment of weakness and enter your mind?

well about 30mins ago I took a shower, whereas I was enjoying the rare feeling of showering early in the morning…

which led to ‘aaahh…pure freshness’

to ‘wow, I feel so fresh that I’m actually thinking straight!’

to ‘ so it is true that this time of the day is the best time to freshen up’

to ‘ what’s that phrase for this type of hour of the day? Oh yeah,’ breaking dawn’ ’

to ‘ breaking dawn=twilight sagas’


and it was then and there I wished I’d drown myself.

But then came logical BRILLIANT thoughts about my damn final project. Not exactly problem solving actually, but enough to make me go all opened-door-of-light-with-heavenly-sounds-pouring-out.

Then a (recurring actually) idea to seriously make that bathroom notepad I’ve been wanting to place on my bathroom wall.

Then a reminder to borrow samurai deeper kyo mangas from #1.

Beyond random leaps of topics, but nonetheless very interesting. Me likey :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

full metal alchemist :(

i still can, and i bet for a long time, i will never be able to grasp the concept of endings and why we all eventually have to move on.
they say that the painful shit in endings will help build yourself into a better person and that we shouldn't dawdle on the past.
i understand all this, i really do, but i just can't accept it now.
maybe not ever, i dunno.
call me immature, whatever, but if i can't accept it (yet) then i just can't. period.
i just can't understand why anything has to end. why? why does it have to?
but without no ending it will be boring so i'm still not sure why i'm thinking like this.
both contradicting thoughts, which i get, i just don't have any idea why it keeps nagging in my gut so much, that i refuse to accept it, i just can't.

i was once told that i'm the type of person that hangs on to the past too much.
the positive thing is that by being this kind of person, i tend to appreciate the value and effort of things, i can help people by reminding them of the good and cool (and often stupid) things they have done when they need it at their lowest days.
i tend to treasure these things. sometimes waaay to well, its suffocating.

aand that's where we get to the negative effects : because all that data takes up too much of my memory space, i tend to unconsciously block out new knowledge etc that i'm supposed to remember. also, that this has turned me into a, um, grudging person?
see, when people do me wrong (and i lack the correct actions to spit out in defense, hence, i tend to end up just standing there like some idiot), i tend to remember (in painful detail) the exact sequence of the whole thing. and it sticks to me forever. no dramatic bullshit.
i can't stand the headaches and other unnamed sicknesses i have inflicted to myself because of this.
and i definitely can't stand the grief its causing me, especially that single one memory that i can never get out of myself 3 years ago. i can surely bet that that's whats causing the most damage going on to me for the past 3 years.

but see, while feeling all this putting down piece of crap, im always thinking that there are many many others who have it in worst then me.
then i hate myself for pitying myself, because i feel i have no right to do so.
then i just hate everything. then it all goes away and im left blank and confused and stupid and i never know what to do after.

oh look, i'm ranting again.
i wanted to write down about full metal alchemist that i finally read and it turned out like this. meh.

oh lord.

i've just watched Harold & Kumar 2: Escape from Guantanamo Bay and laughed my ass off.
i even chuckled a bit on parts from Unaccompanied Minors not long after.

yes, apparently i am that bored.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

singabub day 2

23 July 2010

started off with kfc am breakfast :)))
diandra is a sucker for breakfasts'. buffet breakfast, fastfood breakfast, you name it.

diandra's american twister, hash brown, honey biscuit, coffee

litya's and ata's OR chicken fillet, scramble eggs, hash, biscuit, coffee

oh, but before that splended feast, we saw some--cross that--a mass of disturbing muscles.
balada otot.

then it was off to IKEA.
diandra loves to eat her poached salmon, oh yes she does.

gerong's room. ata's bussiness. lalat's room. boy's doggies.

after trying (and failing) to make dreamcatchers in the doubledecker, we went back to ata's and saw a bit of an epic video, Old Spice.
...but not before taking a pic at the infamous Rex Cinema I promised last post.

then onwards to cold storage to get milk for my beloved peanut butter cap n' crunch :3, and some instant noodles. men, koka is so CHEAP. muahahahahaaa

holy crap man. real indian style eating...huahaha so fun :))

Monday, August 02, 2010

singabub day 1

22 July 2010
  • rode Lion Air once again (Yu, YU!! liat! sekarang udah ada undang2nya cobaaa...ahuauahuauha)
  • got picked up by giri at the airport
  • got laughed at by big silent bald black guy when greeting giri and litya a tad bit enthusiastically like in the movies. tehe.hehe
  • met up with ata
  • put suitcases at ata's apartment at little india
  • ate cheap bigass portioned food i forgot. the one thing i remembered was that it was across some bollywood theater *pictures coming soon.
  • hit orchard to get my beloved $1 ice cream sandwich~~
  • oh, and there was this kid with the word 'intellect' written across his back. classic.this kid
  • then otw to borders and kinokunia, checked out accessorize where litya vowed blood that she'd get her ring, cotton on, lalalala.... i got my nailpolish, mushroom bread from breadsociety with giri si rajaroti and lalat got mama gina's bedcovers. HAHAHHAHHAHA *cough*
a book that caught my eye at borders.haha

ooh OOOHH!! guess what we found at kinokunia??

  • then it was bye-bye giri and back to ata's place...not before stopping by 7-11 to get le TAQUITOS. got jack cheddar and chicken.
at 10pm we headed off to mustafaaa....and came home with midnight, um, snacks. BAM. snacks.

...dan melihat sesuatu yang sedikit absurd.

deedee bodoh!

selama ini dy edit HTML!! pantesan dy nggak bisa ngubah-ngubah tulisan!!

*dibajak Lolly~~~~
(tuh, font nya beda-beda!!)

Sunday, August 01, 2010

nag nag blaaarr

these days, i rarely know what to do in general.
even if i actually have something to do for the day, i'm always gonna feel like i still don't know what to do after.

take just now for instance:
i just went out for dinner at Sushi Tei with my friend.
i got salmon sashimi, salmon mentai, and crispy roll.
i even got my taiyaki ice cream all to myself.
heck, i even got payed for my meal (muchas gracias Ko :DD)
and now i even have roti bakar kornet for breakfast tomorrow (and for some midnight nibbling *coughcough*)

but still, once i get to my room and sit, it always comes to mind 'so now what?'
and i get stupidly absorbed so much that i can hear my watch ticking ironically like some bad movie.

padahal i only just need to go to sleep to top off that good dinner i just had.
nope nope, not that easy apparently.