Wednesday, September 02, 2009

match and connect 1

i have found a damn blog purpose for myself: record while collecting and arranging my collection of matching and connecting coincidences pictures>XD!

Let us begin:
1. dara-agam-boy-litya-desi duduk jejer di jembatan.
semua pake kaos nuansa biru, and i wore white (middle position)

2. flanel jejer (not something new di DP, but meh)

3. yester black hole
today gempa

4. boy kiki wore black bali top + short striped blue pants

5. boy betet sama2 :
a.pertama kali meminjam buku di perpus...
b...tanpa kartu masing2 pula, and
c. dia mulai dapet, gw baru tamat.

sekalinya halo2 setelah sekian lama, disebabkan oleh topik perpus.
kita disatukan oleh perpus.ahahahha

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