Wednesday, June 29, 2011

doggies, bakmi and dentist.

my dad was home for the weekend+ a couple of days off from work.
ayah home = chores and other household things to be fulfilled:

1.CHECK. ayah home = WTD (Walk The Dog -aya&ain)= pungut2 kompleks~


. wheeled refrigerator base(?) (sayangnya ga muat gara2 ada CUPBOARD di atasnya.babik.)
4.FAIL. Duta Mas for ayah's car accessories.NO PARKING SPACE.gila

got some coffee at a small cafe near my dentist while waiting for her to come at Cipete (i forgot the name). impulsively bought this because of the pencil-sketched cover :3 (without even knowing who the band is)

5.CHECK. dentist!

(no, not because i like dentist visits, no one in their right mind would)

6.FAIL. light bulbs, hooks,and batteries......lupa.
meh, four out of six. not badlah (my dad's known for always completing his 'list'.so pure mid-bad luck i guess).

on the way home it started to rain, so last night was really adem~

oh, and when we got home ayah found the second Narnia movie so we ended up watching that (it was actually on my 'film sampah' list, courtesy of the really bad first movie, but turned out to be ok as a light movie :p)

Monday, June 27, 2011


my first korean movie from 2 years ago (i'm more of a japanese movie lover).
everything was random about it.
starting from the process to the movie itself.

i was working on a class project with this girl i actually don't usually hang out with.

stayed until 2am with some korean karaoke contest yang ngaco banget dengan tingkat absurditas yang meledak to keep us company.
intrigued, i decided to raid her dvd collection and found this movie, hoping to watch some light sappy cringe-worthy love story that i'd turn off in the first 15 minutes.....and today was my third time watching it.

this movie is SO GOOD.

i guess it's because of the whole unexpectedness
of the movie.
i've read a couple of reviews mentioning that even watching the trailer still caught them off-guard.

it's basically about a guy who opens a cake shop and hires a gay baker, an ex-boxer with a major sweet-tooth, and his old bodyguard (oh, and i just found out that it's actually an adaptation from a Japanese Manga)
too sum it up, i'm just going to jot down some reviews i thought were spot on in describing this movie as a whole:

"First of all this movie is hard to be "labeled" under a specific category. It's not really a fluffy comedy as the trailer might suggests as it has a thriller element, it's not really a gay movie as the main character is a straight male. However what I do know is that Antique is surprisingly good and leaves a sweet aftertaste."
--a reviewer,

"...and I think the juxtaposition of comedy and darkness of the plot is what makes this film particularly striking to me."
--...oh crap i forgot to copy the link from this blog i found.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

gut kicking number 243796

little women by Jo (after turning down proposal,with marmee);
supernatural season 6,ep 6 by Sam (after vamp killed and they have this macho bro talk.i am not kidding.)

seriously, i got kicked in the guts by these two polar opposites? on the same topic, seriously?? if i knew it'd happen oh so too often, and i could banish my ebbing laziness for the past 8 months, i'd have this whole new label called literally "kicked in the gut then smashed".
but since my ebbing laziness hasn't vanished yet, and i'm still trying to train myself into discipline (and that i've turned into an inevitable blogwhore) by jotting down past posts to keep track of my 'activities' for personal record purposes.

to top it off, what kicked me is generally about my condition as a whole accumulated for said past 8 months.feh.
i'm not even enjoying the fact that it all connects.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


"Look at all that Vitamin A. I can almost feel my eyesight correcting itself."

*tsk* like jacob needs a gun.

Friday, June 24, 2011

oral bomber

"though i wish i can do "a picture says a thousand words"-type of descriptions, i guess i'm just meant to say a thousand words instead."

yeah sometimes i can make it work, but when it doesn't i tend to get pissed off and beat myself up. i'm tired of useless pointless regrets, so at least that's one thing to scratch off.

just need to remember that it can be annoying, but doesn't mean it does all the time.
also just remember your sustainable poster (one of the few things that actually got recognized in my college years): Bu Tita said it's a "loud"/"cerewet"/(along those lines) type of poster, but it doesn't mean it's wrong.
and that a lot of them voted for it (:3!).
so being too talkative isn't a crime, you just need to learn to adjust your timing to your surroundings and situations :j

Thursday, June 23, 2011

half-day couchpotato

ironic clash ('clash'. get it?........I HAD TO GET IT OUT OF MY SYSTEM OR ELSE IT SHALL EAT ME ALIVE ;__;) between my sundalan day of swords and fashion. all because of this guy: re-checking out new movie posters on, and found The Immortals with the new versions. caught a glimpse of this otot guy's sword hilt and remembered this baby:
i do love swords with hilts that connects in one flow with the blade (i have no idea what that's called.or if such a description exists anyway :p)~~
they're so pretty!

then to Eowyn's sword :3

so simple but bold. kinda macho but feminine in a way. very befitting her.

ooooooooh, what's that?? *CLICK*


lastly, the high elves' sword.
must be nice to swing and look pretty at the same time~

aaaaaaanndd after all that exploding macho-ism, i went...tumblr-ing.

The Shawshank Redemption

Geology is the study of pressure and time.
That's all it takes really, pressure and time...that, and a big goddamn poster.
-Red, narrating

I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby. He had a quiet way about him, a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here. He strolled, like a man in a park without a care or a worry in the world, like he had on an invisibility coat that would shield him from this place. yeah, I think it would be fair to say...i liked Andy from the start.
-Red, narrating

yesterday i FINALLY watched the second half of the movie on HBO. i actually deliberately stopped watching when i got to the first-half because i wanted to watch it from the data i got from my friend some other time...turned out the picture quality kinda sucked (i like my movies in HD thank you.). but even then, half-heartily watching was already engaging enough despite what people said about its long and dragging pace. i personally had no problem with it, so all in all i really enjoyed it :)

one of my favorite scenes:

**(couldn't find the 'grand opening' of brooks' dedicated library. will upload next time)

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Battery: Future in Our Hands (Batterii)


fear and despair.

unwavering trust.

trials of sadness.'s no wonder the Japanese love baseball: the drama man, the dramaaa
and they stay true to their trademark 'simplicity': baseball = sport = "sport" = in-depth reflection and inner peace all through a simple media.

the only blue glove that appeared in the whole movie.
jersey #18. oh, and Takumi's & Dad's jersey combined is also #18.

his name would have been Saiha.
the only delusion that i'll except from myself.

Friday, June 17, 2011

"Lucky for me, creativity is a bit like a stubborn weed that won’t die: the roots run deep enough that it will keep growing back under the right conditions."
Doug Savage, creator of Savage Chickens



"morning" surprise~~

Thursday, June 16, 2011

internet curse

so after (naturally) giving up on those blasted articles, i went net surfing.
today's object of obsession being movies *grins*.

all because i stumbled onto because of this:
:D :D!

lumayan, jadi nambah sumber yang ada hubungannya ma film.

then on superhero themed movies for 2011-2012.
most of which i wished in some way didn't exist at all, say, The Avengers. and Captain America.
i dunno, it just seems kinda blah to me.
but hey, you never could be like me with the first Transformers and Iron Man--both who i took little to no interest in and only watched because my friends asked me to-- which turned out really good actually (haven't watch Iron Man 2.wished i didn't watch Transformers 2). so i'm keeping a neutral mind.

between browsing i found this:
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Seriously??? beyond balada otot kendor

and this:
what the hell? another one?? oh but there's JEMAINE from Flight of the the villain.ahahaha can't wait to see how that turns out :p.

and then i found this:

still unknown what his character's going to be, but it better be good~
knowing that there's a huge chance he'd have rotten luck in the collector 2 (BELEEEEERRR~)

which reminded me that there's another batman movie in store! and that i'm already being neutral with anne hathaway becoming catwoman (i ranted before.tehe).as long as she doesn't fuck up like the halle berry version (we all agreed to treat that....that thing as non-existent *shudders*). because i really really like catwoman.i shall hate her if it blows.

wrote down 'kromosom' instead of 'monokrom'.
the amount of shitty article wordings and sentences has finally taken it's toll on me.bah.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

don't mind don't mind *fshwiiiiing*!
visited this site again after so long :}.

Monday, June 13, 2011


was about to sleep and did a quick last minute browsing.
hit fb and saw my friends' photo upload.
see, she just recently moved to japan, so naturally had access to cool-ass things.
saw this, so naturally i had to check out the website.
naturally clicked the 'characters' icon.
they told me to click on character, so naturally i clicked on the character.
and clicked.
and clicked.
and melted and squealed ten times over.

pengen gw injek2 sampe lumat!!GRAHH