Friday, June 24, 2011

oral bomber

"though i wish i can do "a picture says a thousand words"-type of descriptions, i guess i'm just meant to say a thousand words instead."

yeah sometimes i can make it work, but when it doesn't i tend to get pissed off and beat myself up. i'm tired of useless pointless regrets, so at least that's one thing to scratch off.

just need to remember that it can be annoying, but doesn't mean it does all the time.
also just remember your sustainable poster (one of the few things that actually got recognized in my college years): Bu Tita said it's a "loud"/"cerewet"/(along those lines) type of poster, but it doesn't mean it's wrong.
and that a lot of them voted for it (:3!).
so being too talkative isn't a crime, you just need to learn to adjust your timing to your surroundings and situations :j

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