Monday, January 30, 2012

Crows ZERO I & II

Crows ZERO is a about:
1. A whole school full of teenage punks--future yakuza most likely--fighting to conquer the
2. A supremely huge amount of male ego & testosteron engrossed throughout the
movie, i promise you. Many smirks, 'nelen penggaris', and head-cocking-mocking
youarenotworthyofmytime-glances pose.awesome.
3. A million painful Kodak 'GUA'-moments.

Basically pure bashing the hell out of each other for about 3/4 of the whole

Finally got the chance to watch both of them.Enjoyed every moment, laughing my ass off and cringing the whole time. I even enjoyed the, dare a say, more charismatic characters amongst the ones whose really there to purely enjoy the fight (which is actually no problem, seeing the whole nature of the movie).

The main Protagonist (both movies) & Antagonist (2nd movie)

aura 'GUA'-nya KENTAL max. Genji is such an ass, kept wanting to beat him up with a blunt corroded stick.
hated that he beat Sawakita, one of the best characters in the movie.meh

and just to prove point #2:
this is them walking in the school corridors

this is them 'hanging out'

this is them heading to battle

this is them after battle

like i said, pure awesomeness.ahahhahahaa

oh, one more thing, as i was browsing for movie stills, i came upon...this

Seolah-olah gamau kalah dan bilang, 'jangan lupa, kalo soal 'GUA'2-an (yang ga pada tempatnya), masih ada kita lho.'
Kalah telak.

Lili's Present

-- Front --

   -- Back --
This is a birthday 'card' for my friend "Lili". 
Was supposed to be for last June, but ended up finishing and giving it to him yesterday, January 29th. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA *incompetentbastard*

The boy loves his horor/slasher/gore movies--often venturing to things that we haven't even heard of and/or never will touch--and has a uniquely interesting but sometimes absurd sense of taste, and we like to joke around that he's a bit of a S&M fetishist (still not sure if this is true or not. We hope it is. Imagine how fun that would be.muahaha). 
Oh and for that extra kick, I also gave him an ugly-ass manga called Princess Resurrection (about a maid-clad chick who uses chainsaws and maces to kill zombies). Not recommended.

chick + stepping on boots = dominatrix
mecha knee   = the movies he watches are sometimes those weird-ass japanese ones where the characters are usually a fucked up hybrid of whatever the hell they can think of. usually a combo of hot chick + assortment of body parts (from animal parts, weapons, mecha, etc)
rubber duck   = he looks like a duck. plus, having a toy represent him just feels kinky and absurd.just right.
assortment of weapons = kinky masochism equipment 
gory torturing set = well, gore.

Friday, January 06, 2012

shrimp broth, free fireworks, and endless lazing about.

i usually don't think much of new years, and end up at the same place doing the same things (except for last year and more), which is gathering at Haga's house at Bangka's to cook and laze about.

but this year felt kind of sad because this year it's even more emphasized that most of us are already working and busy with their own stuff and new group of friends, and i thought that this 'adaptation' process had passed last year, but turns out it's this year and i was still caught off guard.dammit.

on another note, i succeeded in bringing out my best behavior, no moping about and 'shitty "aura" catapulting', consciously laughing when i think something's funny and NEUTRAL when i find it not funny (i...tend to unconsciously fake it in fear of offending people and end up always wanting to drown myself after), and not complaining much.which is a huge improvement for me. go me >XD!hahaha

so far since the 31st i've been on quite a roll:
i got a free breakfast buffet from my aunt.
new years at Bangka (will elaborate if i feel like it later on).
buffet dinner at sagoo
bakmi kenanga today as a new years 'blessing' with my dad today, then actually fulfilling our schedule after.

can't wait for my next encounter: the 7th of january date with the ahjumma's :DDD

**upload pics later~

Thursday, January 05, 2012

please not now, heck, not ever.

seriously, why can't i just enjoy the good things i--thankfully--get simply as they are?
no over-analyzing, no need for that inevitable competing urge on mostly anything...

meeting them as meeting them.
playing with them as playing with them.
sharing with them as sharing with them.

i really don't need the snowballing effect i think up on my friends who i care for so dearly, thank you very much, it's too sickening.