Wednesday, November 10, 2010

singabub day 3

lets continue and ignore the fact that this was suppose to come up ages ago diandra. ah well, yang penting KOMIT! hahahah

24 July 2010


cool lady in front otw to haji lane and arab street~

was ok, not fab but ok, but loved the ice cream parlor to death.
haji lane and arab street.

*dammit i forgot the ice cream parlors name! will get back to it laterata and her precious (creepy talking) woody.haha

we went to...bras basah? ya itulah. to get litya's beloved kacang arab that she couldn't find
anywhere--even at mustafa--buat papa tercintaa. hahaha
...and encountered this

then before..? YA ITULAH.
ata took us to this korean street food vendor (dae gak? dae gap? WILL GET THERE)
she swore this was one of the best pork she's had, so we went there...

...and saw GOD.and died then and there.

we we're like toddlers given ice cream and both just shut the hell up and tagged along ata and giri upfront munching and savoring all the way. hahahah BEYOND


  1. hati gw bagaikan disayat-sayat ngeliat gambar babi itu!!! MAOOO!!!!! NOW!! MAO ITU BOY!! MAO ITU!!

  2. ...yaampun, dan jam SEGITU lagi pas lo liat ini..perih lit PERIH.
    kl gw kaya gw taro deh tu street vendor di pojokan dapur dan pojokan kamar tidur.
