Sunday, February 05, 2012

a perfect example of "what comes, goes"

In terms of good luck and bad luck here.

The Good
I got a sudden sms from my uncle telling me that MRS. FIELDS IS AVAILABLE IN JAKARTA.
and just to kick my 'pride' in the gut, the closest venue is in Gandaria City of all places.
ahahaha ironically I just read my friends' post about her being greatful for once for the load of malls we have in Jakarta, thinking,"Meh, I still don't like the recent amount of (unneeded) malls being built. But I will someday appreciate some of them with clear uses".
Apparently today was that 'someday'.dammit.
Still though, better then going all the way to Singapore.hahaha

The Beyond Bad
I don't understand how people could be so brutally barbaric. Sadistic and heartless.
First it was the news I got a while back of that dick of a child/children with his/her/their motherfucking pigload of parents that fed a firecracker to a dog. After only hearing it from my friend, I just had to stumble upon the picture of that poor being on facebook. My friend had to help pry my shaking hands of the monitor and mouse so he can help delete the person who re-post the pic's notifications from my wall.

At first I was enraged because how dare that person post such a graphic picture for the world to see and not get banned by the site? But on the other hand, maybe such a raw graphic slap in the face is what the world needs? I don't know, but there has to be a way to state your cause but not be that brutal...

Soon after, I saw the 'initiating' of a coming-of-age ritual of a certain country by mass-slaying a rare breed of dolphins, while being cheered on by spectators while the poor things drowned in the blood-soaked sea
(*I'll get my facts straight next time). I seriously don't know what to think of the human race anymore, seeing things like these. And this is mostly just the tip of the iceberg (had to use that) of what's being broadcast to the public. Imagine all the shit going down that we don't know of.

Then a couple minutes ago I stumbled onto another case of cruelty to dogs somewhere in Indonesia, and there were four pic's this time...I removed that persons notification as well.

I just hope the animal rights regulation that JAAN's been pushing forward actually gets realized. Only then can we really put a stop on these extreme acivities. Even though the chances are low in this shit of a country, in terms of the strength of the law, and that this isn't a familiar issue that the majority of my country deems important, I seriously hope this works out.


  1. gw juga liat tuh foto anjing yg diledakin mukanya pake kembang api itu. gw juga bingung dengan budaya repostnya orang sini yang ga pake mikir apakah itu bisa mempengaruhi mental orang yg ngeliat ato ngga. this is extreme!

  2. IYA BANGET!! bener2 ga mikirin orang lain, cuma ngandaling mental 'latah', in this case, ngepost..dunia udah gila emang
