Thursday, May 10, 2012


*again, so sorry if anyone stumbles onto my blog because of the title.too tired to care about a different title.haha

last month i kept finding this quiz on other peoples blog, so i decided to try it out for myself out of curiosity...for 4 times since that time.
so about 15 minutes ago was my 5th try of the test.

and it was still right.
with even more accurate additional info's.

whoaaaa uber creepy ('good' creepy though).

check out for yourself at


  1. IYA BANGET, saking creepy-ny dr yang tadi mikir "mau gue post ah di blog" jadi gajadi, gue berasa "ditelanjangi" banget... gue br nyoba 2 kali anyway..

  2. IYA IYA BANGET SAMA MAMPOS: nyaris mo post, tp ya itu, super nelanjangin. bahkan bbrp kali smp tahap 'anjis, anda SIAPA????'.ahahha

  3. anda = gw sendiri yg di deskripsiin btw :p
