Entah sejak kapan sudah menjadi suatu ‘trend’ yang digandrungi nyaris semua orang yang memiliki pocket camera dan handphone berkamera (especially the latter).
Biasanya mereka memfoto ‘kenangan’ dari suatu acara kumpul2 bersama teman2nya. Tetapi alangkah terkejutnya pada saat menemukan bahwa SEMUA foto2 ‘kenangan’ tadi memiliki wajah si pengambil foto di kira2 90% dari foto tsb. Dan jika diamati/diperhatikan dengan benar, semua wajah pengambil foto tadi raut dan mimiknya SAMA PERSIS. Modification? A bit. SLIGHTLY. Man,even ‘slightly’ still sounds like an understatement.
Anyhow,the only ‘modif’ within the face is just an, to say it? ‘ugly’ poses.
See, their andalan poses consists of a trademark face,usually the form of the basic ‘smile for the CANDID camera ‘ pose. Be it teethless, with teeth, a smirk, a purse of the lips, with the addition of the playings of the eyes (squint, half squint, innocent wide-eyes, wide-eye + raised eyebrows to enhance thy wide-eye,etc,etc, only god knows how much this nonsence has evolved.)
Anyway, what bugs me is that they capture hundreds of pictures in ONE session (baca:acara kumpul2), and they feel the need to always post every single one of them on facebook. I mean, come on. Out of that hundred, theres probably 80 that looks the same. a perfect copy even.
Seriously, im curious. What the hell do these people think and feel?
Do they feel like showing off?
Do they feel insecure so that they feel the need to post every single picture they think shows their gorgeous side?
Do they like the attention of having thousands of photos on FB?
Do they do it to balap who has the most pics?
Do they do that just for the heck of showing how much they love themselves?
Do they do that just for the heck of showing off how much they love themselves?
Do they feel cool?
Do they feel they have to share whatever ‘special’ moments thay had with their friends?
Everey.single.acara? acara yg SAMA setiap AKHIR MINGGU?
Just, WHY?
And don’t use ‘oh I want to share it with my friends who were there’.
Or ‘kan banyak yg foto ‘jelek’ jugaaa’. Tsk. Yeah. ‘JELEK’. (and they comment on it too.ALL of it. Pdhl sama semua gitu mukanya.)
People are probably gonna react if they see something like this writings like,
‘emang kenapa sih? Salah ya kalo narsis?’ or ‘ kenapa sih? Are you jealous?’ why,because im not as nauseatingly an exibitioning narcist like you people? That when I have a slightly different expression on my face (baca : ‘gila,muka gw ancur banget’ pdhl msh cantik2 aja), I immedeatly UNTAG the goddamn picture so the world can be spared the sight of how ‘ugly’ you were in that picture, and by doing that you have save the worlds virgin eyes?
What? Just what is it that’s in their mind about this recent global attack of narcism?
I seriously honestly wonder why.
Should I make a research of it? No, seriously,no bullshit here. Because in one way, its interesting. Im just curious as to how can people love themselves to that extinct.
What, me? How about me? Do I love myself or am I just insecure?
Yeah sometimes im mostly insecure, but sometimes I do get the pleasure of seeing a good picture of myself. Because it does give me a boost of confidence to be comfortable in my own skin, and to not think two-dimensional about ones attractiveness. I’d rather be plain, but be attractive and pretty once in a while then be pretty all the time,24/7. For me, that obvious beauty is boring, and im actually thankful that im not that.
I’ve been dealing with a whole lotta beauty in my friends. In fact, most of my closest friends whom ive known since I was little, are all beautiful. The kind of that when they walk inside a room, all heads turn their way. Ive been so used to it, that im just walking next to them eating popcorn or stuffing whatever into my mouth, and watch amusingly around the social effect of my dear friends. LOVE it. Hahaha,its really interesting in a way.
So if someone thinks that, ‘ ah, you’re probably just jealous because your not pretty,yaddayadda’, they’ve got it seriously wrong.
I bet the fact that they wont believe my simple explanation about the reason why im curious about this topic,is only because of just that, ‘im curious’, is just the same fact that bemuses me about their simple explanation of reason to this action : because we want to.
That’s it, I'm doing research.
1. how many pictures do you take of yourself daily?
2. how many pictures do you take of you and your friends daily?
3. how many with hand phone?
4. how many with pocket camera?
5. how many with macbook?
6. how many of them are candid?
7. how many of them are ugly?
8. how many of them are REALLY ugly?
9. what is ugly in your opinion? Distortion? A squint? Melet? Mulut gembung?
10. what is your signature face pose?
11. what is your signature face angle?
12. what is your prettiest angle?
13. how often do you FB?
14. how often do you upload?
15. how often do you immediately upload after an acara kumpul main?
16. why do you feel the need to upload every single shard of photos?
17. are you afraid to look ugly?
18. are you afraid of looking really ugly then get the pic posted?
19. will you untag if it did?
20. why do you become a narcist?
21. what do you see in yourself?
22. were you an ugly duckling when you were little?
23. what do you think of these questions?
24. what do you think of the person who made it?
25. what is narcism in your opinion?
26. are you a narcist?
One day I might do this ‘research’, but for now, lets just leave it on paper.
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