Sunday, October 30, 2011



hey, they got a new makeover! at a new site! nicee

jebakan batman: Pondok Djaja, the beauty that is in the form of a Padang-Chinese combo way of cooking their ayam goreng & gulai kepala ikan where my mom and her friend have been regular customers since grade school.

waiting for ages for my mother to get her 'chores' done always mostly has it's rewards, so i try my best to keep a positive mind every time she says 'cuma bentar ko.'.
yes i got caught in her jebakan batman, yes i had to wait oh, say, a quarter of a day at said huge-ass mall, but. good things do come after the bad.

for instance, i was presented with this 'heart-warmer': of all things,the first books i get attracted to were these.and the newspaper as a 'penutupan' of my day when picking up Bunda's pictures at Adorama Menteng(i swear i'm not racist.i just like to connect things.):


and these finds!FINDS!!

but because of my limited budget, i raided the discounted area instead :p.

10,20, dan 30 ribuan sajaa

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