Tuesday, October 20, 2009

turns out that i

love writing.
i hope to never stop no matter what the form is.
i hope it so much, that without realizing it, a couple of days ago (sunday?) i ended up blurting that i want to be a journalist. and at the time i said it, i really really really felt that i meant it.
well at least to be something that has the 'palette' to rant on, but in an objective manner.
so i can stop bugging other people with my blunt and constant rants about anything i think is worth ranting about.hahaha
to tell you the truth, i'm actually kind of sick of it myself.
i just need some media pelampiasan to barf all my thoughts on.

sadly these days, no matter how many types of thoughts run thru my head, i just cant seem to catch up on it all to actually put it down on paper.
cant believe im a slave of my own mind. how pathetic.

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