Saturday, January 16, 2010

malam mingguan yang agak random

(written on tuesday, 19 jan 2010.backtrack yow.nahaha)

today i took Manson to the vet and found out that my veterinarian is a hardcore COSPLAY FANATIC.
it was all :

doc : (explaining all things Manson)

moi : (staring at 2 naruto action figures on his desk--1 gaara, 1 sai-- thinking innocently 'ah
lucu banget ditinggal anaknya!')
doc : ada lagi?

moi : dok, itu punya siapa ya *tunjuk*?

doc : punya SAYA
moi :(bengong) ah serius lo?????
doc : eh, beneran! saya sering banget n suka banget ikut cosplay. malahan kebanyakan pasien
saya juga cosplayers, jadi lumayanlah, kalo lagi kesini bawa peliharaan, sekalian kita ngelatih bahasa jepang gitu.hahahaha
moi : whoaaaa...

terus get this, when i went on about how i wanted to learn japanese, and if he had any recommendations on any specific easy learning English-Japanese dictionary's, and you know what he did? he took his car keys and
got it for me from his car outside.
how cool is that?? hahaha,what an unexpected surprise :E.

so where was i? o yeah, avocados. on impulse while accompanying Ndut to superindo, i had a sudden urge to make guacamole, courtesy of them alluring corriander/cilantro/wansui laying about (dammit). surprisingly,i got the only 3 good ones after a couple of minutes going around squishing avocados, AND with 2 other people doing the same, but to no avail (one of them adalah uncle-uncle muda yg aga 'uuu~'.HAHAHAHAH salah lo Lit, salah lo :p)

then we went to get Manson's poop scooper and his cookies~ the packaging is so cute!

i was planning for dvd night n nachos with my madre tapi gagal, gara2 that night i went out with Saskia.
ooh! we went nari bali!
we got Saraswati - Panji Semirang - TRUNAJAYA - Puspawresti - Cendrawasih - and Siwa.

words cannot express how much i adore the dance in red above.
it is.the most coolest and hardest level of balinese dance, and i am proud to say that i have passed that level :).
but because i haven't properly danced in 4-5 years, sadly, i got a little rusty. but me and Sas vowed to perfect it--breathing, stance and all-- so that we may be worthy of the title "Professional Balinese Dancer" *tssssaaahhhh*
even though going to sanggar puspita meant 'meeting' certain unwanted people, but it was worth it. i'm still gonna dance anytime i can.

then we went to pacific place for some grub and i finally got my damn snow white doughnut (yesterday i got choco loco). we ate at Ramen 38 XD! then browsing about at aksara, then Sas wanted some muffins so we went to that muffin place near kemchicks, across Ya Kun Kaya (?) where i got coffee (my third one.i think i'm seriously addicted.ooh! all different! kapal api-cinnamon nescafe-and kopi-C).
then Sas suddenly realized, 'dra, kpn2 if we just want to lounge around cheap,we could just go here! for muffins and coffee!'

then we went home at about..10ish? and i got a call from her mom. i'm gonna have a talk with her one day about this,so her mom doesn't call me again.

buuutt...all in all, it was a pretty good,pretty random day :j

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