Friday, May 20, 2011

amusing midnight internet findings

up first, is the scary shit you find on the internet by aimless midnight browsing

then comes the things you find as hilarious hilarious inside jokes that makes you tear up

(when, in an actual decent working-brain time slot, yes you'd find it funny,but not that...exaggerated) HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH ih ke gep.
gilaaa karma tuh emang ada ya: gw nemu ini di ayu gara2 mau ngasih link 'cantik' buat kalian (ayu duluan yg keketik sebelum gw inget ada cara baru buat share link yg bs nge-tag nama)
*tapi tetep, my request to not be tagged in any photos still stands yak.bahaha

lastly, is the unexpected conversations you make with unexpected people in unexpected interesting topics
with my cousin Bito on his creative writing progress.
nice to know that your knack of writing inevitably very very long entries runs in the family.

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